Christine Lombardi

e-commerce and print design specialist    781.962.0735    Massachusetts

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Web Page and Email Wireframes

Combining UX Research and UI Design

Creating the ultimate user-friendly experience

A/B testing, heatmaps, analytics

Watch website visitors and email recipients by tracking their clicks, search words, pages visited, time spent on pages, bounce rates, open rates, transactions, device types, and other key performance indicators. Determine current designs that work, areas that need improvement, and techniques that are failing. Devise new strategies for further testing. Optimize SEO, navigation, and page speed. Continually change to remain fresh, relevant, and attract new customers.

Customer reviews, surveys, focus groups, interviews

Direct feedback is invaluable when determining core consumer needs. Positive and negative feedback is essential to discover the target audience's response. Consumers have lots of influences – and they get used to standardization. Make sure to keep an eye on the competition. Observe trends in all industries. Use SWOT analyses to strategize plans and redesigns.

No matter your budget, stay updated on technological and marketing advances. Consider affordable options that work best for your business and clients. With every change and redesign – customers appreciate being asked their opinions. Listen to them and learn what would make them happy. They will tell you better ways to upsell and cross-sell your products and services.

Wireframing is essential

Use agile tests to create a lean user experience. Discover more effective layouts for your target audience. Simplify messaging and navigation to make the visitor's entire experience enjoyable. Refine all areas of your site to improve the customer journey and attract new clients.

Share your information

Consumer insight is valuable. Share your data and hypotheses with your team and company. Customer understanding will help your business grow. Success will build employee morale and revenue.